Why can't I order the "Deutschland-Ticket" from my local transport company via billyard?

Why can't I order the "Deutschland-Ticket" from my local transport company via billyard?

The "Deutschland-Ticket" is always valid for all transport companies nationwide.

billyard has a cooperation for the "Deutschland-Ticket" with Dortmund Stadtwerke (DSW21), which operates as a transport company in Dortmund. Employees from all federal states can order the "Deutschland-Ticket" from DSW21 without any restrictions.
For people living in Dortmund or North Rhine-Westphalia, additional products, such as bike transport or a first class upgrade might be interesting.
With DSW21, you can choose whether you want to have the "Deutschland-Ticket" issued as a smart card or mobile ticket. In what form can I order the "Deutschland-Ticket"?

billyard plans to integrate other transport companies into the billyard system in the future.

Of course, you can also purchase the "Deutschland-Ticket" from any other transport company. To receive the subsidy from your employer for the "Deutschland-Ticket", you must upload a corresponding receipt via the billyard app. (see: What documents can I submit as proof of the "Deutschland-Ticket"?)
Furthermore, due to the procedural requirements, it is unfortunately only possible to purchase the "Deutschland-Ticket" discounted from a provider/traffic company cooperating with billyard.