I was eating out with my colleagues and we only received one receipt together. What can I do now?

I was eating out with my colleagues and we only received one receipt together. What can I do now?

If you ate out with your colleagues, or bought something with colleagues, you can share the receipt with them in the billyard app,
so that each of you benefits from the grant!

How exactly does that work? Here is an example:

Select the receipt:
Open the receipt list on your app. Choose the receipt that you want to share. Open the receipt by tapping on it.

Add your colleagues:
You are now in the overview of your receipt.
Now tap the option "Kollegen hinzufügen/add colleagues".

Select the colleague:
In the search field you can now enter the name of the person you want to add.

Select the colleague:
Your colleagues now appear as a suggestion in the search field. Tap on the name you are searching for to select them.

Colleague added:
If a pink check mark appears next to their name, the person has been added. You can then return to the overview of the receipt.

Colleagues have been added:
Under the people icon you can see that the selected colleague is now available for sharing. Don't mind the error message that pops up, you just have to add a person to each position now - the error message will disappear after that.

Add the colleague to positions:
Now you have to add the person, as well as yourself to the positions. To do this, you can simply click on the relevant position to open it.

Add colleagues to positions:
Under the position, you can now see the available colleagues you can assign the position to. To share them with colleagues, click on the + next to the person.

Add colleagues to positions:
The amount of assigned positions will then appear next to the respective colleague.

Position is shared:
Under the position in the list, you can now see the name of the collague you shared the position with. The position is now shared succesfully.
But you also have to assign positions to yourself, otherwise you will receive no subsidy.

Add yourself to positions:
Open the relevant positions and click on the + next to your own name to assign the position to yourself.

All positions assigned?:
Only the assigned positions can be credited, so make sure that all positions are assigned to someone.

Remember to confirm your receipts! Only confirmed receipts can be credited!
Check the box on the left to confirm that the receipt was read out correctly and then tap the pink check mark on the right to confirm the receipt.